Back in 2003 Michael was diagnosed with Leukemia it was a long battle, he won. Then on June 17th 2013 because of a radiation treatment Michael received in 2004 Michael was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Grade IV Brain Tumor , The tumor was 80% removed and Michael has another battle ahead of him, He said to his Mother....

"I fought this once, I will fight this again"

Then on December 30th 2013, A scheduled MRI showed his cancer has spread and Michael has even more of a battle to fight for.

In early February 2014 we were told Michael only had a few weeks to live and there was nothing else for medical science to do, but.... a few days earlier Michael had 2 radiation treatments and the Dr told us it was because of the radiation treatments there was brain swelling and his brain was filling with fluids and we couldn't drain these fluids, But the Dr asked if Michael had any headaches, Michael said no, the Dr went Hmmmmm, so now a week later Michael was feeling better, he wasn't sleeping as much he was talking and being the normal Michael, so the following Monday (2-10-14) we got a call from Children's Hospital and it was Michael's Oncologist she was saying ever since we were given the bad news and Michael said he didn't have any headaches she was doing nothing but thinking why, so that Monday morning a team of specialists talked about Michael and the Surgeon that performed the surgery on Michael saw on the latest MRI where the tumor was shrinking in the exact spot where it needed to drain the fluids, and when Linda got the phone call Monday Night, we were told Hospice was cancelled and that we can start radiation and chemo again. So Michael has received 20 radiation treatments, he finished on March 7th 2014. But Michael is showing side effects from the radiation treatments and we pray everyday for his recovery.

Michael had another MRI on the 17th of March, the results were good. But Michael is having side effects from one of his medications to reduce the swelling and we all ask for your continued prayer for Michael and all others that are fighting for their lives.

What this webpage is asking is for your hands together in prayer for Michael and anybody else you know that is battling for their lives.

To see the website Miracle's Start Here!, just click the banner header. but, this page has the same information that the other website does.

Here is what the statement "Miracles Start Here" Means:                               When you pray the Miracle starts with you asking God for a Miracle, very simple

So do Miracles Start Here?

yes they do, and they start with you!


This is Michael covered in a new shipment of wrist bands, we gave out 200+ and we ordered 300 more, As of 1-08-14 we have ordered over 4,300 wrist bands


Here is my wrist band as modeled by my cousin Lexy Nicole Millhorn


We are not paid by the below banner company, I purchased the New and Old Testament from them and I thought I would share my experience, I love the way this bible came to life with great acting and sound effects.