
Click the above box and it will open a new tab and you can see the photos. I am constantly adding new Photos to the gallery, the great thing is if Michael is at an event I can post pictures here instantly from my phone...nice

I am starting to "link" the photos on the pages of this website to enlarged images, you can tell if the image can be enlarged by moving your mouse over the picture and your pointer will change, just click the image and a new tab will open in your web browser of the larger image.

I use Dropbox, Its free (you start with 2GB of storage) and you can store your photo's, documents, videos, music and you will never have to worry about losing photos again because of a hard drive crash or you lose your phone, click the picture below and it will take you to dropbox's home page. And Dropbox is completely private, when you store a photo or a document it can only be seen by you, unless you share it like I am doing with the Web Photos folder and made part of this website. (I am not paid by Dropbox, I happen to like the product)

But, if you use this link to sign up for Dropbox, you will get 500MB of additional data, and Michael will get 500MB more storage.